Thursday, January 14, 2010

Are They Kidding?

I had to think how ironic it is that the Banks testified before congress yesterday telling all they were sorry and didn't see the crisis coming. In addition they justify the enormous paychecks claiming that they were earned. "If we don't offer these high bonus' we will lose the talent needed to bring us out of this economic mess."

I don't know about most people but I am outraged by these comments. These were the crooks that got the country into this mess, the government gave them a blank check, and now we need to continue to endure this BS and believe this is what is best for the country. And I thought Bernie Madoff was the biggest crook in american finance.

Let me ask you this, Do think you can ever trust a bank to do what is the right thing for the common man. Do you find banks quickly reverse charges when customers complain about them? Do banks reduce interest on loans and credit cards because it is the right thing to do? Well, I think we all know the answers to these questions and now we should believe them because they go before congress and claim "We're Sorry". What arrogance!

The reality is that banks are driven to make money for their shareholders and the top executives are interested more in their own greed than anyone, including shareholders.

Financial Guru Suzie Ortman stated a few days ago that the best thing consumers could do is to move all their assets out of the large banks, Chase, BofA, Wells Fargo and Citibank and bank with local banks or credit unions. If that were to happen these greedy little pigs wouldn't have any excuses or better yet, no jobs. Credit Unions especially are good in that there are federal laws limiting the amount of interest banks can charge. (Capped at 18% Max.) Credit unions are beholden to their members, not shareholders and care about their members more than banks care about theirs. To this I say Brava, Suzie you got that one right! I'll be right back, I have to go and close some accounts now...


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