Friday, February 5, 2010

Banks in Trouble Jumps to 599

The Banks in FDIC trouble jumped to 599, including the removal of 11 failed banks including the 5 banks last week and the addition of 26 new banks to the list.

The new tab is $322.5 Billion up from the $305.3 billion last week. That's a jump of 17 billion in loses in two weeks. Although the FDIC won't officially release these figures, they were gathered from the public records and compiled unofficially. What bothers me is that this is just an estimate and the FDIC is probably shielding so much more. And how much have we bailed out these failed banks.

Why is it these banks fail and others are "too big to fail". Capitalism is supposed to correct the markets on it's own, isn't it? So as we see the banks who are "too big to fail", coming back into financial trouble later this year, Let them fail!

Congress can't legislate the corrections needed in the market and the banks can't be trusted. The collapse of the markets is a necessary for capitalism to correct. Not to mention the top executives of these institutions would be out of a job. If the banks fail, other banks will change the way they do business in order to stay in business. This is what needs to happen!


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