Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Can You Hear Me Now!

Yesterday's victory in Massachusetts by Scott Brown was more about the voters anger than anything else. The Seat held by Senator Ted Kennedy for almost 50 years shows that voters are no longer interested in the insiders game. Martha Coakley sided with the Democrats, claimed she supported the policies, and took the election for granted. The result, She Lost. Not only did she lose but only 1 month ago she had over a 20 point lead in the polls. So what changed, to elect a republican who has values similar to Dick Cheney. (Scary isn't it)

Scott Brown campaigned on number 41, the deal breaker in the Senate to the President's Policies. Voters are so disgusted with the Washington Policies that are being forced by the President, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. Don't get me wrong the Republican are the ones who got us into this mess but the Democrats have blown an opportunity due to their own agendas.

The next months leading up to the November Mid Term Elections are going to be a challenge for all Washington cronies, either change the way you pass legislation or face the wrath of the voters come November.

Last year the independent voters of America voted for change we can believe in. Since then Washington, both democratic and republican, have done little if anything to initiate this change. Yesterdays vote was more about the anger in America specifically the business practices in Washington and if voters can vote a guy like Brown into office because they are angry, imagine what could happen in November. Pelosi, Reid, Bohnner, Mc Connell and the rest of your idiots "CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW!"


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